Thursday, 27 May 2010


I guess there are two possibilities for the tumbleweeds on here. Either the first flush of spring enthusiasm has been flushed away and your plot is now neglected as you enjoy other distracting pursuits or youre too busy with the azada to share your thoughts. For me, it's the council's new web filter which seems to have blocked my access. On top of that I've been enjoyed many late nights down at the plot with the sun going down after ten oclock. We had snow on 12 May but that didnt hang around very long and a week of very warm weather has got the soil up to around 15 deg, which would be ideal for planting out all the tender stuff I sowed before I went on holiday. Unfortunately we now have a bitter wind from the north so I've been concentrating on soil preparation. Lots still to do. Watch this space... and perhaps even contribute.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Leaning Tower of Peas

Anybody there? I've been too busy to blog sowing my sweetcorn, 3 types of courgette, 4 types of pumpkin and 4 types of bean. And the plot now looks a bit more recognisable as a vegetable garden. Potatoes are all lazy bedded. Beetroot, fennel and spinach in. I've been pilfering willow branches from the woods for my high peas. Broad beans coming along and the artichokes are now in the ground but under fleece to protect against the wind. It's been a tad chilly, less than 10deg, and the north wind looks set to continue for a good while. All in all, a dood time to be off for 10 days in Tuscany. So you won't hear from me until I've got for you a few seedy items from the back streets of Fosdinovo. Al, keep an eye out for me on Giro Stage 6: I'll be dressed as an artichoke and wielding an azada.

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