Monday, 19 September 2011

micro vegetables

DSB - Mr M from Southmoor has requested some advice on the attached - lovely leaves but no carrot! is it the notorious oxfordshire climate? or our sandy soil? any tips appreciated though apparently these are quite tasty.

PS enjoying blog but no time to reply looking forward to a jar of honey when next you are down

1 comment:

  1. Don't be embarrassed about size - it's only one of many things that contribute to the joy of it all. Definitely not your soil, (moist, deep) sand is the ideal growing medium. Could be too little water or light or excess nitrogen but I would guess that it is down to too dense a sowing. But if you thin them, you're inviting carrot fly - and you don't want them. Also, carrots, like our old friend the onion, do not like competition from weeds early in their lives, supposedly. I say supposedly because mine grow perfectly well through a carpet of chickweed, but then I have got that ideal effortless growing medium. Top tip: sow thinly by mixing the seed into a cupful of dry sand - and make sure they get some water!



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