Sunday, 13 November 2011

More whining from down south

The grape harvest is in and I am excitedly looking forward to next Fridays oxford wine tasting festival where of course I can strut my excellent knowledge of the Barolo region (see above - taken during a particularly enjoyable 100km bike ride) following my half hour in the Barolo wine museum. DSB I know you are a big fan of Italian food so you may enjoy browsing at this link some of the best food i have eaten and the good news is they do mail order! also very much in line with your locally grown philosophy so i can see the possibility of a Kinloss franchise soon.

1 comment:

  1. At first glance I mistook that picture for the Vale of Neath! Plenty of vintage down there too no doubt. I can rely on you for a toast to absent friends once the pinot grigio comes round.



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