Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Do The Brussel

(R to L) Sprout to the Top
Last year was my first attempt at brussel sprouts. Although I've always been a fan, they only seem to go with roast turkey or when making up the numbers in meat and two veg - but I'm willing to try anything to keep me in good winter colour. Not following convention as ever, I went for a red variety (Red Rubine), because all the veg needs to look the part now there's a smart new house on the plot. The plants are a lovely reddy purple and the sprouts inside are a purple-veined pale green. Success horticulturally I have to admit has been modest, with the sprouts only slightly bigger than peas and never in sufficient number to overpower a dish. I think I need to sow and transplant earlier.  Still you get a second chance at this time of year when they start producing sprout-impersonating tops, which you can pretend are the well-sized real thing - a great boost for the nanogardener trying to prove his worth.

If you're struggling to think of things to cook this time of year, or indeed any time of year, a bag of pasta and a trip to the orto usually provides the inspiration. I'll call this pasta dell'orto stagionale (inverno).

Sprout to lunch
  • leeks or microleeks*, no substitute.
  • hardneck garlic**, softneck if you must
  • chilli**
  • sprouts, microsprouts and sprout tops*, must be purple veined or don't bother starting this dish. Cavolo nero* will do the job too.
  • mushrooms***
  • sundried tomatoes*** (the veggie's bacon substitute, adding a salty piquant flavour)
  • seasonal herbs (e.g. parsley*, chervil*, thyme*, winter savory*)

* dall'orto stagionale
** dalla dispensa
*** l'anno prossimo, forse? D'occhio questo spazio.

I won't insult you by telling you how to cook it. Ok, throw it all in a pan with some butter till its done, stir it into some cooked pasta, top with a palmful of parmesan and pep it up with some ground pepper***.

Meraviglioso e semplice!

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