Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Water Teems?

It's been a long time and the garden has moved on a shallot in the last 18 months. But any sustainable gardening blog must start with a fresh look at one's integrated water management policy. Yes, I've got a raingauge. The real-time tipping bucket web transmission will have to wait. Aesthetics is more important at this stage, and so a shapely antique copper monthly collector will have to suffice. It is, of course, the met office approved distance of twice the height from the nearest obstruction.

Hot off the kitchen scales is the March total. For information, I will be giving a comparison of the dustbowl figure with a random place somewhere in the wet tropics.

2014 (mm)
56.6 (+dust)

The data will be used to inform the climate change apricot adaptation strategy and parsnip risk profiling scenarios.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back DSB! the blog has missed your insightful commentary though i am wondering if this isnt some kind of april fools hoax. You can replace the question mark over Brize with a big fat zero as their rain guage isnt working due to clogging with saharan sand. it never rains here just pours.



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