Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Pump Action

We havent been suffering the suffocating heat you're experiencing down there - those northerly winds have been keeping us on our toes. But February to June is a marked dry season up here. There's been no significant rain since May and the plot would resemble the dustbowl if it wasnt for the chest-high grass, dock and thistle. The trudge up the slope with two full watering cans finally took its toll and so I bit the bullet and bought a not too sustainable petrol suction pump that can suck the burn dry and deliver the goods at 100 litres per minute. The start of the annual Monsoon is forecast for Thursday so I'll have to view it as a long term investment.

1 comment:

  1. DSB I was awaken from my two month snooze when i saw the title 'pump action' thinking you had either an altercation at the Dallas Cycle Classic that involved taking up arms or that you had a technical question regarding the inflation of pneumatic bicycle tires. You can imagine my disappointment then when I read on… before I return to my slumber just a quick note of thanks for you to keep posting as its very entertaining.

    My own humble efforts this year haven’t gone unrewarded with fennel / beetroot and strawberries all doing well . Garlic good though falling over now – is that normal? and onions dreadful again. Garden has definitely benefited from my low intervention technique though but will start work again in a couple of weeks after I have done my big ride for the year.



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