Sunday, 4 July 2010

Abel and cole - yeah whatever!

Well DSB it seems you are taking a Mark Sharpe way of thinking regarding your new pump - I am sure I have a lot of suitable equipment in a site office in an undisclosed location that may benefit you. Any how - onwards - as my Mark says things like facebook status updates are for fishing for compliments which I now unashamedly do now! I attach a photo of my first Abel and Cole style veggie box - I would like it noted for the record that as of yet there are no onions but I am off to harvest some tomorrow. I hope the blizzards and heavy rain due up north over the next few days do not hamper your garden in any way! Hope you are both well.

1 comment:

  1. As I can't blow that photo up in the normal way, it has to go down as suspect. You seem to be growing bananas. I know you're talented Luce but clearly this picture is fake.

    No rain still here, just lots of wind. My potatoes are battered and wilted. Pump Action to the rescue!

    If you have 50 metres of 25mm lay-flat hose in your store...?



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