Friday, 18 February 2011

Low-hanging Fruit Garden

Another fine day yesterday, and the flexitime joker card was pulled out at the last minute. The layout of the fruit garden, started in October is finally complete. Your traditional favourites are there juxtaposed with some strange faddish berries, part of a currantly half-baked plan for producing my own dried fruit to plump out my muesli. So from the front: honeyberry (err... out of picture, good camerawork!), blackcurrant, in their wind enclosures are siberian hairless kiwi and chinese magnolia vine of five flavours (snappy name needs some works I think), followed by high bush blueberries with cranberry understorey, gojiberries, and four lines of rasps as they call them up here. Gooseberries and strawberries are the other side of the pebbleway. Some humungous blackberries will line up on wires on the windward side. Recruiting now, pickers for the summer season. Payment in spinach. Any takers?


  1. evening all

    looks like a bit of wasteland to me! just spent a couple of hours out in the manor today too after ripping the course up with an 82. Went arse over tit on last years rotten apples on the slope i never cleared! Got my planting plan done tonight whilst watching Aliens for 20th time and bought my seeds, commenced chitting my spuds and dug a couple of areas on the slope for courgettes and pumpkins later in the year. Its gonna be a bumper year down here guys so hope yours is too! why bother with poncy rhubarb forcers when an old bucket will do?

  2. Blimey. I make that your first contribution since you compared me to a corpse last spring.

    Bit worried about those courgettes and pumpkins on the slope. They don't like dry soil. I am sure you've added loads organic matter though.

    A word of advice:I know you're a bit of a beginner but did you know you are supposed to pick the apples?



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