Wednesday, 21 April 2010

It would help if I figured out how to upload the photos!


  1. Congratulations on your first post. It's nice have a fellow soil scientist on the blog. Your photo I assume was intended as a game of name that seedling. I did pretty well but I'm struggling with the two round pots front left.

  2. Yes congratulations from all us veteran bloggers! you may soon be as prolific as periwinkle in a border or the DSB. Now I do not profess to have as much expertise in seedling identification as DSB (spermology is more my thing) and if I am not mistaken then those two pots on the left look like carrots to me. May have been planted slightly deep but should be ok when you transplant. Good luck and happy gardening!

  3. Ah Al lotment you are obviously a veteran gardener as well as blogger! You are correct in you seedling identification - I will pass on your concerns about the planting depth to my partner in crime (Lucy II) as they were planted by her own fair hand. DSB we soil scientists have to stick together - there are not many of us around! Glad the game passed some time while you were possibly at work!



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