Thursday, 12 May 2011

Flashing blade

With the 'Northern Scot' portraying Elgin as a lawless and violent place, what with all those teenage girls biting policeman and people pushing and shouting at each other, it pays to be able to defend yourself in the event that hordes of city dwellers bring their disorder to our peaceful neck of the woods. My weapons of choice are the scythe and machete. A by-product of having these useful deterrents is that we can tackle the regiments of nettles, ground elder, sweet cicely and friends threatening to advance up the slope now that it is not held back by heavily armed sheep. So the old stock fence is gone, opening up stingless access to the burn to allow you to sit on the new rock staircase and cleanse and soothe your extremities in the sweltering heat*. The plot now looks bigger still. I've got grand plans for this area but they're being kept under wraps for now although using the leftover barbed wire to build a security bunker to keep the miscreants at bay has been ruled out for the time being.

* Midge repellent not supplied.

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