and I have eventually managed to upload my photos for you! Thrown a couple in for luck. The plot os coming on well - the sweetcorn and courgettes are in the cold frame and will be planted out next weekend - Grampy is casting a careful eye over it all (i.e. has reinstalled the frost protection around the beans! I am assuming to protect them from the wind but we all know what happens when you assume things .......!)
Any how book me into the guest bedroom - my only concern is will it hold everyone on the coach trip and is there an en-suite.
Al lotment and I (although he doesn't know it yet) are scamming Syksey's idea and running the ERM Oxford veg show - be sure to send over your most random shaped veg as an entry!
Seriously it is starting to look really good Stan - I can imagine the hard work you are putting into it.
Ta ra
Wind protection - very topical. I have erected an improvised Poundstretcher windbreak for all my tender little ones - beans, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes and squash - but I've delayed putting everything out till the gales subside. No damage here apart from the fleece covering over my zinnias ripped to shreds. It's getting a bit choca in my porch now though.
ReplyDeleteIs that tuberous comfrey I see in the front of your second picture? I presume your growing that as a liquid feedstock?!